[문서정리] 루비로 동시성 모델 소개하기 Part II
👾아래 문서 정리 ⬇️ https://engineering.universe.com/introduction-to-concurrency-models-with-ruby-part-ii-c39c7e612bed Introduction to Concurrency Models with Ruby. Part II In the second part of our series we will take a look at more advanced concurrency models such as Actors, CSP, STM and of course Guilds engineering.universe.com 파트2에서는 Actor, CSP, STM, Guild 같은 심화된 동시성 모델을 살펴볼 것이다. 야호 😎💃 🐶 Actor Acto..
2022. 1. 31. 21:56
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