[문서정리] 루비로 동시성 모델 소개하기 Part I
👾 아래 문서 정리 ⬇️ https://engineering.universe.com/introduction-to-concurrency-models-with-ruby-part-i-550d0dbb970 Introduction to Concurrency Models with Ruby. Part I In this first post, I would like to describe the differences between Processes, Threads, what the GIL is, EventMachine and Fibers in Ruby. engineering.universe.com 🐶 프로세스 concurrency => 한사람이 한손으로만 여러개의 공을 저글링하고 있는 것. 어떻게 보이든지 간에 이 사람은..
2022. 1. 30. 00:21
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